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Communicate effectively With Data 

Data Science, Data Visualization, Tableau Dashboard Development, Data Engineering, Machine Learning, and Data Storytelling Consulting Services.

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Speed & Security

Flexibility & Scalability

Better Collaboration

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Think of me as

An Extension of Your Analytics Team

Paper Plane

Hi, I'm Tim a Data Scientist Consultant.


I use Visual Analytics and Machine learning to help businesses optimize operations, improve decision-making, and gain a competitive edge through data-driven insights and solutions.

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Helping People Turn Raw Data Into
Valuable Insights .

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Data Management & Data Engineering

I can help you to.


  1. Harvest data from different sources like APIs, SQL databases, or messy Excel spreadsheets.

  2. Reformat and reshape data to make further analyses easier.

  3. Clean datasets removing outliers and aberrant data.

  4. Create reproducible data preparation workflows

  5. Automatize the creation of data related reports


Data Viz

 I can help you with:
  1. Creation of Data Stories in Tableau.

  2. Development of data application using R and Shiny or Streamlit Python .

  3. Creation of custom data visualization for the web using d3.js.

  4. Dashboard creation for real time data analysis.

  5. Visualization of geospatial data.

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Machine Learning

 I can help you with:
  • Predictive Analytics: Demand Forecasting & Sales Forecasting etc

  • Customers Analytics:  Customer behavior prediction.

  • Predictive maintenance such as anomaly detection.

  • NLP: Search & retrieval, information extraction, Sentimental analysis, and Speech to text conversion.

  • Machine learning as a service (MLaaS): Amazon SageMaker.

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Reveal True Reasons behind Low Performance and Enable Accurate Predictions

I can share and implement data science best practices to drive and Uncover previously unnoticed patterns hiding in your data to bring expert knowledge to non-experts and allow for better, more educated, and data-driven decision-making.

Data Science



Data Storytelling

Tech Stack

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